


Angel Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology

Department helps to solve the problems of infertility

Angel has cooperated with The West China Alliance Hospital of SiChuan University for special medical services
We have cooperated with The West China Alliance Hospital of SiChuan University for special medical services to provide special infertility services, including diagnosis and treatment of difficult and complicated infertility diseases, and characteristic approaches such as assisted reproductive artificial insemination technology, hysteroscopy, laparoscopic minimally invasive treatment, etc.
生殖医学工作站 助力解决疑难杂症
Reproductive Medicine Workstation helps to solve difficult and complicated infertility diseases
We have established the Reproductive Medicine Workstation by gathering the most influential experts in the field of reproductive medicine in China to carry out precise diagnosis and treatment on a regular basis, aiming to solve various difficult and complicated infertility diseases. Besides, there is no need to queue up in the appointment system applied by the Workstation.
流程化管理 提供一对一贴身服务
Process management provides one-to-one personal services
We have introduced the health management consultant model, by transforming the traditional model of "patients seeking a doctor" into a customer-centered multidisciplinary service model, providing personal medical services from appointment, transportation to the hospital, consultation, and discharge to form a management cycle for customers of pre-visit communication and appointment, joint consultations with interdisciplinary expert teams during the visit, and post-visit follow-up services.
一站式医疗服务 孕产养无缝衔接
One-stop medical services form seamless connection of pregnancy, childbirth and nursing
We have established more than 10 departments relying on the rich experience of Angel Medical Group in the field of maternal and child health care for decades, such as Reproductive Medicine Center, Gynecology Department, Obstetrics Department, Neonatology Department, Postpartum Club, Postpartum Physical Recovery Center, Child Health Department, and Pediatrics Department, which will provide a complete medical service system from pre-pregnancy examinations, assisted reproduction, natal examinations, childbirth to post-natal recovery, realizing the seamless connection of the whole cycle of "pregnancy, childbirth and nurturing"
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